Friday, September 30, 2011

A Promo, A Promo, A Promotion!

With the multitude of promotions that Sword 2 of Gamersfirst that have been occurring the game is a little bit more lively, per say, that we are continously spending money for gold. Business people know how to work our wallets, don't they? For the past few weeks promotions of Green Pandera Costume for Wizards, Straight Perm for Male Wizard, Curling Perm for Elementalist, Capitaine for Male wizard (ends September 30) and currently the Newest one is a chance to win one of the ten Adelina the Pirate card. Players have asked and commented for more different items besides these, like weapon costumes or costumes for the UPCs, which I agree, give us something that makes our mouths water then just dribble we get from these.

On September 27 the Bazzar was updated with Quinzel's Penderie, Raiden's Angel, which is the beginning to box of the 33ar Angel Great Sword and the Dragonic Crossbow! Raiden Box of Rage is still on the market with Dragon Spear drop, and Quizel's Surpirse X with Ixia Costume for Grace and Freesia Costume for Viki.

Wallies I

While surfing the web I came across this wallpapers. It was created by Jadr from Rembrandt Server on SGE-GE. They are pretty awesome.